What participants are saying about Ty Bello
Very Passionate. Team@Work wanted to be here and teach us one thing.|Held my attention and led by example and communicated effectively. Team@Work provides positive reinforcement in a non-threatening environment.|Ty coached and challenged each team member.|I’ll be back for future meetings with Team@Work.|The tools and experience the Team@Work Coaching Staff brings to the table helps to draw out thought processes much more quickly and with greater precision.|Ty’s presentations are great! They’re very helpful with useful ideas and suggestions.|Excellent content & speaker, motivational, very knowledgeable, great coach, a lot of energy, a lot of ideas to take back to the office, we need more like Ty, bring him back, from one coach to another: great job!, great team building ideas, upbeat, eye opening, effective, best I have seen, loved him, dynamic

For our audio series “The Monday Morning Pep Talk” and many other motivational videos.