What’s your game plan for the Second Half?
As the end of June approaches, what is your plan for the second half of the year? Before you can address that you need to review the video tape of the first half and take a close look at the score board.
So how are the numbers looking? Did you achieve your first half goals and are you on target to exceed your end of year score?
For those in sales you can look at gross sales as compared to last year, existing account growth, and new account growth. For operations how has overtime been, have you delivered more services this year than last, and last but not least how are you stacking up against your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). Those in customer service or call centers, how are your KPI’s as compared to last year, and review your call metrics, and also how is your report card and customer satisfaction. For marketing; how is the brand identity of your business, as compared to last year how many new marketing programs have you launched and what are the results, and how is your Net Promotor Index (NPI). This is just skimming the surface. You really need to go deeper to get a good feel for the second half game plan.
Remember half time is for us to review the first half and make sure we are still on plan to exceed the end of year score. Now (TODAY) is the time to adjust and make changes to sure up where you are losing and put the peddle to the metal and exceed that plan.
Take advantage of these next few days before June is over, so you can make certain to end the Year On Top.